Migrating is hard, but starting from scratch is easy I’ve been following Flutter since it was in beta, and since then I’ve seen Flutter’s adoption […]
Analysis and solutions to the problem of Android soft keyboard blocking the input box
This article participated in the 1024 Programmers Day event. You who are reading are welcome to join. After reviewing the information many times, I found that […]
Flutter deprecates WillPopScope and uses PopScope alternative
video https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1aJ4m1n7FZ Preface Original text https://ducafecat.com/blog/migrating-from-willpopscope-to-pop… <img src=”https://ducafecat.oss-cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/podcast/2024/04/425a394c101cf8c5a715304b00c71a78.png” alt=”PopScope” style=”width:33%;” /> Learn how to replace the deprecated WillPopScope with PopScope in Flutter 3.16, and learn […]
Flutter’s caching strategy
Preface Cache management is a very important thing in mobile applications. In this article, I’ll tell you how to set up policy caching in my […]
In-depth understanding of Android garbage collection mechanism
In Android application development, memory management and garbage collection (GC) are crucial to application performance and stability. Understanding the GC mechanism helps us write more […]
Dart and Flutter error handling guide | Full analysis of best practices
Preface In-depth exploration of error handling technology in Dart and Flutter, from compile-time errors to run-time exceptions, will teach you how to gracefully handle various […]
Android source code module compilation
compile command Note that generally when you use mmto compilefor the first time , some file resources may not be found. You can usemmato compile […]
Kotlin coroutine context and exception handling
what is the context CoroutineContext is a set of elements used to define coroutine behavior, including the following parts: Inheritance of coroutine context Coroutine context […]
Android – In-depth Binder interception
Based on the underlying dynamic interception technology, dynamic analysis and interception of the Binder communication protocol of the application process under the Android platform are […]
Kotlin coroutine context and exception handling
what is the context CoroutineContext is a set of elements used to define coroutine behavior, including the following parts: Inheritance of coroutine context Coroutine context […]