Friends know that when we use the Spring container, if we encounter some special beans, generally speaking, they can be configured in the following three […]
Let’s talk about how to customize parallelStream’s thread pool
This article mainly studies how parallelStream uses a custom thread pool ForkJoinPool java/util/concurrent/ public class ForkJoinPool extends AbstractExecutorService { public ForkJoinPool(int parallelism, ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory factory, UncaughtExceptionHandler […]
A rare introduction enhancement in Spring IntroductionAdvisor
When we usually do AOP development, we basically enhance a certain method and do something before or after a certain method is executed. This is […]
How many ways are there to define pointcuts in Spring AOP?
In Spring AOP, our most commonly used methods of defining pointcuts are mainly two: These should be the two most commonly used methods of defining […]
I heard that there is a shortcut to create Spring Bean?
In the Spring Bean creation method, there is the following code: AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory#createBean: @Override protected Object createBean (String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] args) throws BeanCreationException […]
How are proxy objects created in Spring AOP?
Today I will talk to my friends about how proxy objects are created in Spring AOP, and through this process we will get familiar with […]
Does Spring BeanDefinition also have a parent-child relationship?
In the Spring framework, BeanDefinition is a core concept used to define and configure bean metadata. Although in actual applications, we generally do not or […]
What is the principle of @Primary annotation in Spring?
1. Problem analysis When we use Spring, we sometimes encounter the following situation. Suppose I have two classes, A and B, and inject B into […]
Let’s talk about spring’s TransactionalEventListener
sequence This article mainly studies spring’s TransactionalEventListener TransactionalEventListener org/springframework/transaction/event/ /** * An { @link EventListener} that is invoked according to a { @link TransactionPhase}. * […]
Performance comparison of Spring Boot virtual threads and Webflux on JWT verification and MySQL query
I saw an article about the performance comparison between Spring Boot virtual threads and Webflux this morning, and I thought it was pretty good. The […]