In Spring AOP, our most commonly used methods of defining pointcuts are mainly two: These should be the two most commonly used methods of defining […]
Month: April 2024
I heard that there is a shortcut to create Spring Bean?
In the Spring Bean creation method, there is the following code: AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory#createBean: @Override protected Object createBean (String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] args) throws BeanCreationException […]
How are proxy objects created in Spring AOP?
Today I will talk to my friends about how proxy objects are created in Spring AOP, and through this process we will get familiar with […]
Does Spring BeanDefinition also have a parent-child relationship?
In the Spring framework, BeanDefinition is a core concept used to define and configure bean metadata. Although in actual applications, we generally do not or […]
What is the principle of @Primary annotation in Spring?
1. Problem analysis When we use Spring, we sometimes encounter the following situation. Suppose I have two classes, A and B, and inject B into […]
An article explaining JS closures in detail!
Closure in JavaScript is a very important concept and is closely related to the direction of scope-related knowledge. It is often mentioned during the front-end […]
10 CSS code snippets that work well and are worth collecting
10 css snippets The following 10 commonly used CSS code snippets are worth collecting and can be used in daily business code. 1. Click and […]
Let’s talk about spring’s TransactionalEventListener
sequence This article mainly studies spring’s TransactionalEventListener TransactionalEventListener org/springframework/transaction/event/ /** * An { @link EventListener} that is invoked according to a { @link TransactionPhase}. * […]
Let’s talk about front-end UI components: component characteristics
This article is the second article in the article series ” Let’s talk about front-end UI components “. The content is related to the previous article in […]
A brief analysis of micro front-end sandbox
Preface In large-scale projects, micro-frontend is a common optimization method. This article explains the mechanism and principle of sandbox in micro-frontend. First, what is a […]