Kyle Aster wrote in 2010 why careful URL design is important : URLs are universal, they work in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, cURL, wget, as well […]
wrong information: Database error text: SQL message: rejected as server is temporarily overloaded Return value of the database layer: “SQL dbsl rc: 99” In a […]
Share a few tips on index creation
Regarding the index in MySQL, Brother Song has talked a lot with his friends before. However, there are still some details that need to be […]
Index merging, if you can’t use it, don’t use it!
In the previous article, Brother Song and his friends shared the data structure of the InnoDB storage engine in MySQL. Friends know that when we […]
Let’s talk about the hot data issues of Redis
Two days ago, the service of a certain cloud vendor we used was down, and it stayed down for most of the day. Our services […]
Redis memory optimization magic, small memory saves big data
This time, the code brother will share some optimization skills with you. When you encounter the following problems in your interview or work, you can […]
What is a MySQL insert intent lock?
Insert Intention Lock, we also call it Insert Intention Lock in Chinese. This can be regarded as a supplement to the Gap Lock we talked […]
Immutable data tool library immutability-helper
In the process of learning functional programming languages, there are three important features: Although JavaScript has the characteristics of a functional language, unfortunately, it still […]
Design and implementation of general ORM
introduce The basic models of our general ORM are all intended to be separated from the database. Almost all models are established at the programming […]
Prefix index, finding a balance between performance and space
In the specific practice of the project, we sometimes encounter some special fields, such as ID number. Brother Song used to have a friend who […]