10 css snippets
The following 10 commonly used CSS code snippets are worth collecting and can be used in daily business code.
1. Click and click loading effect
This is a bit-by-bit loading effect with good compatibility, great user experience, and the implementation idea is as follows:
- Use custom label element dot.
- Set the dot element as an inline element (display:inline-block), set the overflow hidden (overflow:hidden), and set the height to 1em.
- Use the :before pseudo element combined with \AUnicode characters to insert content, and use white-space:pre-wrap to retain the line break effect, and use css animation.
- Use transform and translate to animate…
The html code is as follows:
< div class = " loading " > Loading < dot > ... </ dot > </ div >
The css code is as follows:
.loading { /**Write your own custom style here*/ } .loading > dot { height : 1em ; overflow : hidden; display : inline-block; text-align : left; vertical-align : - 0.25em ; line-height : 1 ; } /* Core code*/ .loading > dot :before { display : block; /* This line of code is the most important*/ content : '...\A..\A.' ; /* The same effect will occur if the value is Pre */ white-space : pre-wrap; animation : dot 3s infinite step-start both; } @keyframes dot { 33% { transform : translateY (- 2em ); } 66% { transform : translateY (- 1em ); } }
The effect is as follows:
<iframe src=””></iframe>
2. Dialog box
Create a content container dialog box with a triangle on the top. The implementation idea is as follows:
- Create two triangles using the :before and :after pseudo-elements.
- The colors of both triangles should be the same as the container’s border color and the container’s background color respectively.
- The border width of one triangle (:before) should be 1px wider than the other triangle (:after) in order to act as a border.
- The smaller triangle (:after) should be positioned 1px to the right of the larger triangle (:before) to allow its left border to show.
The html code is as follows:
< div class = "container" > Border with top triangle </ div >
The css code is as follows:
.container { --borderColor-- : #ddd ; --bgColor-- : #fff ; position : relative; background-color : var (--bgColor--); padding : 15px ; margin-top : 20px ; border : 1px solid var (--borderColor--); } .container :before , .container :after { content : '' ; position : absolute; bottom : 100% ; left : 19px ; border : 11px solid transparent; border-bottom-color : var (--borderColor--); } .container :after { left : 20px ; border : 10px solid transparent; border-bottom-color : var (--bgColor--); }
The effect is as follows:
<iframe src=””></iframe>
3. Bounce loading effect
Create a bounce loader animation. The implementation idea is as follows:
- Use @keyframes to define bounce animations, using the opacity and transform properties. Use single-axis translation on transform: translate3d() for better animation performance.
- Create a parent container for the bouncing circle, .bouncing-loader. Use display: flex and justify-content: center to position them in the center.
- Give the three bouncing circle
elements the same width and height and border-radius: 50% to make them circular. - Apply the bouncing-loader animation to each of the three bouncing circles.
- Use different animation delays for each circle and animation direction: alternate to create the appropriate effect.
The html code is as follows:
< div class = "bouncing-loader" > < div class = "bouncing-loader-item" > </ div > < div class = "bouncing-loader-item" > </ div > < div class = "bouncing-loader" -item" > </ div > </ div >
The css code is as follows:
* { margin : 0 ; padding : 0 ; box-sizing : border-box; } body , html { display : flex; height : 100% ; align-items : center; justify-content : center; } .bouncing-loader { display : flex; justify-content : center; width : 150px ; } .bouncing-loader-item { width : 16px ; height : 16px ; margin : 3rem 0.2rem ; background-color : #0b16f1 ; border-radius : 50% ; animation : bouncingLoader 0.6s infinite alternate; } .bouncing-loader-item :nth-child ( 2 ) { animation-delay : 0.2s ; } .bouncing-loader-item :nth-child ( 3 ) { animation-delay : 0.4s ; } @keyframes bouncingLoader { to { opacity : 0.1 ; transform : translate3d ( 0 , - 16px , 0 ); } }
The effect is as follows:
<iframe src=””></iframe>
Create a border animation when hovering. The implementation idea is as follows:
- Use the :before and :after pseudo-elements to create two 24px wide boxes, facing each other above and below the box.
- Use the :hover pseudo-class to expand the width of these elements to 100% on hover and animate the change using a transition.
The html code is as follows:
< button class = "animated-border-button" > Submit </ button >
The css code is as follows:
.animated-border-button { outline : none; background-color : #2396ef ; padding : 12px 40px 10px ; border : none; position : relative; color : #fff ; border-radius : 4px ; cursor : pointer; } .animated-border-button ::before , .animated-border-button ::after { content : '' ; position : absolute; border : 0 solid transparent; height : 0 ; width : 24px ; transition : all 0.3s cubic- bezier ( 0.075 , 0.82 , 0.165 , 1 ); } .animated-border-button ::before { border-top : 2px solid #2396ef ; top : - 4px ; right : 0 ; } .animated-border-button ::after { border-bottom : 2px solid #2396ef ; bottom : - 4px ; left : 0 ; } .animated-border-button :hover ::before , .animated-border-button :hover ::after { width : 100% ; }
The effect is as follows:
<iframe src=””></iframe>
5. border equal height layout
Use border to implement equal height layout. The implementation idea is as follows:
- Set a left border for the box element. The border width is determined by the width of the child element, here it is 150px.
- Set clear float for the pseudo-class of the box element. You cannot use overflow:hidden to clear it here.
- Set left floating for the left navigation element of the box element, and set the width and left negative spacing. The spacing value is equal to the width value.
- Set overflow:hidden to the right content element of the box element.
- The navigation child element sets the row height and the right child element sets the row height.
The html code is as follows:
< section class = "box" > < nav class = "box-nav" > < div class = "box-nav-item" > Navigation 1 </ div > </ nav > < section class = "box-content" > < div class = "box-content-module" > Module 1 </ div > </ section > </ section >
The css code is as follows:
.box { border-left : 150px solid #232425 ; background-color : #eeeded ; } .box ::after { content : '' ; clear : both; display : block; } .box-nav { width : 150px ; margin-left : - 150px ; float : left; } .box-nav-item { line-height : 40px ; color : #fff ; text-align : center; } .box-content-module { line-height : 40px ; text-align : center; color : #c40dd4 ; } .box-content { overflow : hidden; }
The javascript code looks like this:
const navMore = document . getElementById ( 'addNav' ), moduleMore = document . getElementById ( 'addContent' ); if (navMore && moduleMore) { const nav = document . querySelector ( '.box-nav' ), section = document . querySelector ( '.box-content' ); let navIndex = nav. children . length , sectionIndex = 1 ; let rand = () => 'f' + ( Math . random () + '' ). slice (- 1 ); navMore. onclick = function () { navIndex++; nav. insertAdjacentHTML ( 'beforeEnd' , '<div class="box-nav-item">Navigation' + navIndex + '</div>' ); }; moduleMore. onclick = function () { sectionIndex++; section. insertAdjacentHTML ( 'beforeEnd' , '<div class="box-content-module" style="background:#' + [ rand (), rand (), rand ()]. join ( '' ) + '">module' + sectionIndex + '</div>' ); }; }
The effect is as follows:
<iframe src=””></iframe>
6. Custom checkbox
Create a style check box with status change animation. The implementation idea is as follows:
- Use
the element creation check<symbol>
insert it via the element to create reusable SVG icons. - Create a .ew-checkbox-group and use flex box to create appropriate layout for the checkboxes.
- Hide
the element and use its associated label to display the checkbox and provided text. - Use stroke-dashoffset to animate check symbols on state changes.
- Use transform: scale(0.9) to create a scaling animation effect through CSS animation.
The html code is as follows:
< div class = "ew-checkbox-group" > < label class = "ew-checkbox" > < svg class = "ew-checkbox-symbol" > < symbol id = "ew-check" viewbox = "0 0 12 10 " > < polyline points = "1.5 6 4.5 9 10.5 1" stroke-linecap = "round" stroke-linejoin = "round" stroke-width = "2" > </ polyline > </ symbol > </ svg > < input type = "checkbox" class = "ew-checkbox-input" /> < span class = "ew-checkbox-item" > < svg class = "ew-checkbox-icon" width = "12px" height = "10px" > < use xlink:href = "#ew-check" > </ use > </ svg > </ span > < span class = "ew-checkbox-item" > Apples </ span > </ label > < label class = "ew-checkbox" > < input type = "checkbox" class = "ew-checkbox-input" /> < span class = "ew-checkbox-item" > < svg class = "ew-checkbox-icon" width = " 12px" height = "10px" > < use xlink:href = "#ew-check" > </ use > </ svg > </ span > < span class = "ew-checkbox-item" > Oranges </ span > </ label > </ div >
The css code is as follows:
.ew-checkbox-group { background-color : #fff ; color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.85 ); height : 64px ; display : flex; flex-wrap : row wrap; justify-content : center; align- items : center; } .ew-checkbox-group .ew-checkbox-symbol { width : 0 ; height : 0 ; position : absolute; pointer-events : none; user-select: none; } .ew-checkbox-group * { box-sizing : border-box; } .ew-checkbox-input { position : absolute; visibility : hidden; } .ew-checkbox { user-select: none; cursor : pointer; padding : 6px 8px ; border-radius : 6px ; overflow : hidden; transition : all 0.3s ease-in-out; display : flex; } .ew-checkbox :not ( :last-of-type ) { margin-right : 6px ; } .ew-checkbox :hover { background-color : rgba ( 0 , 120 , 255 , 0.06 ); } .ew-checkbox .ew-checkbox-item { vertical-align : middle; transform : translate3d ( 0 , 0 , 0 ); } .ew-checkbox .ew-checkbox-item :first -of-type { position : relative; flex : 0 0 18px ; width : 18px ; height : 18px ; border-radius : 4px ; transform : scale ( 1 ); border : 1px solid #cdcdfd ; transition : all 0.4s ease; } .ew-checkbox .ew-checkbox-icon { position : absolute; top : 3px ; left : 2px ; fill: none; stroke: #fff ; stroke-dasharray: 16px ; stroke-dashoffset: 16px ; transition : all 0.4s ease; transform : translate3d ( 0 , 0 , 0 ); } .ew-checkbox .ew-checkbox-item :last-of-type { padding-left : 8px ; line-height : 18px ; } .ew-checkbox :hover .ew-checkbox-item :first -of-type { border-color : #2396ef ; } .ew-checkbox-input :checked + .ew-checkbox-item :first -of-type { animation : zoom-in-out 0.3s ease; background-color : # 2396ef ; border-color : #2396ef ; } .ew-checkbox-input :checked + .ew-checkbox-item .ew-checkbox-icon { stroke-dashoffset: 0 ; } @keyframes zoom-in-out { 50% { transform : scale ( 0.9 ); } }
The effect is as follows:
<iframe src=””></iframe>
Create a style radio button with status change animation. The implementation idea is as follows:
- Create a .radio-container and use flex box to create appropriate layout for the radio buttons.
- Reset
the style on and use it to create the radio button’s outline and background. - Use the ::before element to create the inner ring of the radio button.
- Use transform: scale(1) and CSS transition to create animations when states change.
The html code is as follows:
< div class = "radio-container" > < input type = "radio" class = "radio-input" id = "male" name = "sex" /> < label for = "male" class = "radio" > Male </ label > < input type = "radio" class = "radio-input" id = "female" name = "sex" /> < label for = "female" class = "radio" > Female </ label > </ div >
The css code is as follows:
.radio-container { box-sizing : border-box; background-color : #fff ; color : #545355 ; height : 64px ; display : flex; justify-content : center; align-items : center; flex-flow : row wrap; } .radio-container * { box-sizing : border-box; } .radio-input { appearance: none; background-color : #fff ; width : 16px ; height : 16px ; border : 1px solid #cccfdb ; margin : 0 ; border-radius : 50% ; display : grid; align-items : center; justify-content : center; transition : all 0.3s ease-in; } .radio-input ::before { content : '' ; width : 6px ; height : 6px ; border-radius : 50% ; transform : scale ( 0 ); transition : 0.3s transform ease-in-out; box-shadow : inset 6px 6px #fff ; } .radio-input :checked { background-color : #2396ef ; border-color : #2396ef ; } .radio-input :checked ::before { transform : scale ( 1 ); } .radio { cursor : pointer; padding : 6px 8px ; } .radio :not ( :last-child ) { margin-right : 6px ; }
The effect is as follows:
<iframe src=””></iframe>
8. Typing effect
To create a typewriter effect animation, the implementation idea is as follows:
- Define two animations, the typing animated character and the blinking animated caret.
- Use the ::after pseudo-element to add the caret to a container element.
- Use JavaScript to set the text of the inner element and set the –characters variable containing the number of characters. This variable is used to animate text.
- Use white-space: nowrap and overflow: hidden to make content invisible when necessary.
The html code is as follows:
< div class = "typewriter-effect" > < div class = "text" id = "typewriter-text" > </ div > </ div >
The css code is as follows:
.typewriter-effect { display : flex; justify-content : center; font-family : monospace; font-size : 25px ; color : #535455 ; font-weight : 500 ; } .text { max-width : 0 ; animation : typing 3s steps ( var (--characters--)) infinite; white-space : nowrap; overflow : hidden; } .typewriter-effect ::after { content : ' |' ; animation : blink 1s infinite; animation-timing-function : step-end; } @keyframes typing { 75% , 100% { max-width : calc ( var (--characters--) * 1ch ); } } @keyframes blink { 0% , 75% , 100% { opacity : 1 ; } 25% { opacity : 0 ; } }
The javascript code is as follows:
const typeWriter = document . getElementById ( 'typewriter-text' ); const createWriter = ( text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.' ) => { typeWriter. innerHTML = text; typeWriter. style . setProperty ( '--characters--' , text. length ); }; createWriter ();
The effect is as follows:
<iframe src=””></iframe>
9. High transition effect
When the height of the element is unknown, convert the height of the element from 0 to auto. The implementation idea is as follows:
- Use transition to specify that changes to max-height should be transitioned.
- Use overflow:hidden to prevent a hidden element’s content from overflowing its container.
- Use max-height to specify an initial height of 0.
- Use the :hover pseudo-class to change max-height to the value of the –max-height variable set by JavaScript.
- Use Element.scrollHeight and CSSStyleDeclaration.setProperty() to set the value of –max-height to the current height of the element.
- NOTE: Causes a reflow on every animation frame, which can cause a delay if there are a large number of elements below a highly transitioned element.
The html code is as follows:
< div class = "trigger" > Hover me to see a height transition. < div class = "el" > Additional content </ div > </ div >
The css code is as follows:
.trigger { cursor : pointer; border-bottom : 1px solid #2396ef ; } .el { transition : max-height 0.4s ; overflow : hidden; max-height : 0 ; } .trigger :hover > .el { max-height : var (--max-height--); }
The javascript code is as follows:
const el = document . querySelector ( '.el' ),height = el.scrollHeight ; el. style . setProperty ( '--max-height--' , height + 'px' );
The effect is as follows:
<iframe src=””></iframe>
10. Switch switching
Create a toggle switch widget using only CSS. The implementation idea is as follows:
- Use the for attribute to associate it
with the checkbox element.<input>
- Use
the ::after pseudo-element to create a circular knob for the switch. - Use the :checked pseudo-class selector to change the position of the knob, using transform: translateX(20px) and the background color of the switch.
- Use position: absolute and left: -9999px to visually hide
the element.
The html code is as follows:
< input type = "checkbox" id = "toggle" class = "offscreen checkbox" /> < label for = "toggle" class = "switch" > </ label >
The css code is as follows:
.offscreen { position : absolute; left : - 9999px ; } .checkbox :checked + .switch ::after { transform : translateX ( 20px ); } .checkbox :checked + .switch { background-color : #7983ff ; } .switch { position : relative; display : inline-block; width : 40px ; height : 20px ; border-radius : 20px ; background-color : rgba ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0.25 ); transition : all 0.3s ; cursor : pointer; } .switch ::after { content : '' ; position : absolute; width : 18px ; height : 18px ; border-radius : 18px ; background-color : #fff ; top : 1px ; left : 1px ; transition : all 0.3s ; }
The effect is as follows:
<iframe src=””></iframe>
ps: The above code snippets are collected from various major networks and are currently summarized in my code snippet website