In this article, I will share 18 JavaScript tips, as well as some sample code you should know to write concise and efficient code.
let’s start! 🚀
- 1 arrow function
- 2 Array.from()
- 3 Use console.table to display data
- 4 Use const and let
- 5 Extract object properties using destructuring
- 6 Set default value using logical OR operator
- 7 Clear array
- 8 JSON.parse()
- 9 Map() function
- 10 Object.seal()
- 11 Object.freeze()
- 12 Remove duplicates from array
- 13 Swapping values using destructuring
- 14 spread operator
- 15 template string
- 16 ternary operator
- 17 Use === instead of ==
- 18 Use semantic variable and function names
arrow function
You can use arrow functions to simplify function declarations.
function add ( a, b ) { return a + b; } // Arrow function const add = ( a, b ) => a + b;
Method can be used to convert any iterable object to an array.
const str = "Hello!" ; const arr = Array . from (str); console . log (arr); //Output: ['H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', '!']
Use console.table to display data
This can be used if you want to organize your data in the console or display it in tabular format console.table()
const person = { name : 'John' , age : 25 , profession : 'Programmer' } console .table ( person);
Output effect:
Use const and let
Use const for variables that will not be reassigned
const PI = 3.14 ; let timer = 0 ;
Extract object properties using destructuring
By using destructuring to extract properties from objects, you can enhance the readability of your code.
const person = { name : 'John' , age : 25 , profession : 'Programmer' } //Instead of this 👇 console . log (person. name ); console . log (person. age ); //Use this👇 const {name, age} = person; console . log (name); console . log (age);
Set default value using logical OR operator
Use ||
operators to easily set default values.
function greet ( name ) { name = name || 'Person' ; console . log ( `Hello, ${name} !` ); } greet (); //Output: Hello, Person! greet ( "John" ); //Output: Hello, John!
Clear array
You can easily empty an array using the length property.
let numbers = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]; numbers. length = 0 ; console . log (numbers); //Output: []
Use JSON.parse()
JSON strings to JavaScript objects, which ensures seamless data manipulation.
const jsonStr = '{"name": "John", "age": 25}' ; const person = JSON . parse (jsonStr); console . log (person); //Output: {name: 'John', age : 25}
Map() function
Use map()
a function to transform elements in a new array without modifying the original array.
const numbers = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]; const doubled = numbers. map ( num => num * 2 ); console . log (numbers); //Output: [1, 2, 3, 4] console . log (doubled); //Output: [2, 4, 6, 8]
You can use Object.seal()
methods to prevent properties from being added or removed from an object.
const person = { name : 'John' , age : 25 }; Object . seal (person); person. profession = "Programmer" ; console . log (person); //Output: {name: 'John', age: 25}
You can use Object.freeze()
methods to prevent any changes to an object, including adding, modifying, or removing properties.
const person = { name : 'John' , age : 25 }; Object . freeze (person); person. name = "Mark" ; console . log (person); //Output: {name: 'John', age: 25}
Remove duplicates from array
You can Set
remove duplicate elements from an array using .
const arrWithDuplicates = [ 1 , 12 , 2 , 13 , 4 , 4 , 13 ]; const arrWithoutDuplicates = [... new Set (arrWithDuplicates)]; console . log (arrWithoutDuplicates); //Output: [1, 12, 2 , 13, 4]
Swapping values using destructuring
You can easily swap two variables using destructuring.
let x = 7 , y = 13 ; [x, y] = [y, x]; console .log ( x); //13
spread operator
You can use the spread operator to efficiently copy or merge arrays.
const arr1 = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]; const arr2 = [ 9 , 8 , 7 ]; const arr3 = [...arr2]; const mergedArr = [...arr1, ...arr2]; console . log (arr3); //[9, 8, 7] console . log (mergedArr); //[1, 2, 3, 9, 8, 7]
template string
Leverage template literals for string interpolation and enhanced code readability.
const name = 'John' ; const message = `Hello, ${name} !` ;
ternary operator
Conditional statements can be simplified using the ternary operator.
const age = 20 ; //Instead of this👇 if (age>= 18 ){ console . log ( "You can drive" ); } else { console . log ( "You cannot drive" ); } //Use this👇 age >= 18 ? console . log ( "You can drive" ) : console . log ( "You cannot drive" );
Use === instead of ==
Prevent type casting problems by using strict equality (===) instead .
const num1 = 5 ; const num2 = '5' ; //Instead of using == if (num1 == num2) { console . log ( 'True' ); } else { console . log ( 'False' ); } //Use === if (num1 === num2) { console . log ( 'True' ); } else { console . log ( 'False' ); }
Use semantic variable and function names
Use meaningful, descriptive names for variables and functions to enhance code readability and maintainability.
// Don't declare variable like this const a = 18 ; // use descriptive names const numberOfTips = 18 ;
That’s it for today, I hope it’s helpful to you.