We know that the Vite build environment is divided into development environment and production environment. Different environments will have different build strategies, but no matter […]
Author: mucktube
More elegant third-party bean injection in Spring5
Friends know that when we use the Spring container, if we encounter some special beans, generally speaking, they can be configured in the following three […]
JS error reporting and fault tolerance solutions in React
Preface There are probably two reasons for the white screen. One is the loading of resources, and the other is JS execution errors. This article […]
Let’s talk about how to customize parallelStream’s thread pool
This article mainly studies how parallelStream uses a custom thread pool ForkJoinPool java/util/concurrent/ForkJoinPool.java public class ForkJoinPool extends AbstractExecutorService { public ForkJoinPool(int parallelism, ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory factory, UncaughtExceptionHandler […]
A rare introduction enhancement in Spring IntroductionAdvisor
When we usually do AOP development, we basically enhance a certain method and do something before or after a certain method is executed. This is […]
How many ways are there to define pointcuts in Spring AOP?
In Spring AOP, our most commonly used methods of defining pointcuts are mainly two: These should be the two most commonly used methods of defining […]
I heard that there is a shortcut to create Spring Bean?
In the Spring Bean creation method, there is the following code: AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory#createBean: @Override protected Object createBean (String beanName, RootBeanDefinition mbd, @Nullable Object[] args) throws BeanCreationException […]
How are proxy objects created in Spring AOP?
Today I will talk to my friends about how proxy objects are created in Spring AOP, and through this process we will get familiar with […]
Does Spring BeanDefinition also have a parent-child relationship?
In the Spring framework, BeanDefinition is a core concept used to define and configure bean metadata. Although in actual applications, we generally do not or […]
What is the principle of @Primary annotation in Spring?
1. Problem analysis When we use Spring, we sometimes encounter the following situation. Suppose I have two classes, A and B, and inject B into […]