Based on Egg.js secondary encapsulation framework, one-click installation, useful information is available


npm i egg-bag-framework

Built-in multiple modules, middleware and tools

Source code address ,
demo address


Verify whether the Sing signature is legal to prevent arbitrary requests

'use strict' ;
 module . exports = ( option, app ) => {
     return  async  function  sing ( ctx, next ) {
         const sing = ctx. request . header . sing ;
         const { domain, expireTime, cache } = ctx. app . config . website ;
         const default_cache = 'redis' ;
         if (sing) {
             let getSing = null ;
             if (cache === default_cache) {
                getSing = await app. redis . get (sing);
            } else {
                getSing = await app. lru . get (sing);
            if (getSing) {
                ctx. body = ctx. resultData ({ msg : 'sing signature has expired' }); // Expired if present 
            } else {
                 try {
                     const decSing = ctx. helper . aesDecrypt (sing);
                     const singData = JSON . parse (decSing);
                     if (singData. domain === domain) {
                         if (cache === default_cache) {
                             await app. redis . set (sing, 1 );
                        } else {
                             await app. lru . set (sing, 1 );
                        await app. redis . set (sing, 1 );
                         await app. redis . expire (sing, expireTime);
                         await  next ();
                    } else {
                        ctx. body = ctx. resultData ({ msg : 'Sing signature is illegal, missing string' });
                } catch (e) {
                    ctx. body = ctx. resultData ({ msg : 'sing signature is illegal' });
        } else {
            ctx.body = ctx.resultData ({ msg : ' Missing sing signature' }) ;

Current limiting middleware

Prevent the interface from being maliciously stolen. If it is attacked, request to use nginx or server configuration white and blacklist

'use strict' ;
 const { RateLimiterMemory } = require ( 'rate-limiter-flexible' ); // Rate limiting middleware 
module . exports = () => {
     // Create a memory-based token bucket rate limiter, Limit 12 requests per second 
    const opts = {
         points : 12 ,
         duration : 1 ,
    const rateLimiter = new  RateLimiterMemory (opts);
     return  async  function  limiter ( ctx, next ) {
        rateLimiter.consume ( ctx.request.ip )​​​
            . then ( rateLimiterRes => {
                 next ();
            .catch ( rateLimiterRes = > {
                ctx. body = ctx. resultData ({ msg : 'Current limiting triggered' , code : 2001 });


'use strict' ;

module . exports = () => {
     return  async  function  authority ( ctx, next ) {
         const authorization = ctx. request . header . authorization ;
         if (authorization) {
             try {
                ctx. helper . verifyToken (authorization); // Verify jwt 
                await  next ();
            } catch (err) {
                ctx. body = ctx. resultData ({ msg : 'access_token expired' , code : 1003 });
        } else {
            ctx. body = ctx. resultData ({ msg : 'missing access_token' , code : 1003 });

Built-in module


(JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519) that defines a compact, self-contained way to securely transmit information between parties as JSON objects. This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed

// plugin.js 
exports . jwt = {  
     enable : true ,  
     package : 'egg-jwt' ,  
// config.default.js 
config. jwt = {  
     secret : 'ABCD20231017QWERYSUNXSJL' , // You can customize   
    the sign : {  
         expiresIn : 8 * 60 * 60 , // Expiration time is 8 hours  


Parameter verification module

// plugin.js 
exports . validate = {  
     enable : true ,  
     package : 'egg-validate' ,  
// config.default.js 
config. validate = {  
     convert : true ,  
     translate () {  
         const args = Array . prototype . slice . call ( arguments );  
         return I18n. __ . apply (I18n, args);  


Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure server that can be used as a database, cache, and message queue broker

// plugin.js 
exports . redis = {  
     enable : true ,  
     package : 'egg-redis' ,  
// config.default.js 
config. redis = {  
     client : {  
         port : 6379 ,  
         host : '' ,  
         password : 'auth' ,  
         db : 0 ,  


local cache

exports . lru = {  
     enable : true ,  
     package : 'egg-lru' , // local cache   
config. lru = {  
     client : {  
         max : 3000 , // All lru cache configurations are available   
        maxAge : 1000 * 60 * 30 , // 60 min cache  
    app : true , // Loaded into the app, the default is open   
    agent : false , // Loaded into the agent, the default is closed   

Upload mode

// config.default.js 
config. multipart = {  
     mode : 'file' ,  
     fileSize : '50mb' , // Receive file size   
    whitelist : [ // Allowed file types to be received   
        '.png' ,  
         '.jpg' ,  
         ' .webp' ,  
         '.gif' ,  
         '.zip' ,  
         '.doc' ,  
         '.docx' ,  
         '.txt' ,  
         '.xlsx' ,  
         '.pdf' ,  
         '.mp4' ,  
         '.webm' ,  
         ' .mov' ,  
         '.flv' ,  
         '.avi' ,  
         '.f4v' ,  
         '.mov' ,  
         '.m4v' ,  
         '.rmvb' ,  
         '.rm' ,  
         '.mpg' ,  
         '.mpeg' ,  


Sequelize is a promise-based Node.js  ORM that currently supports  Postgres ,  MySQL ,  MariaDB ,  SQLite  and  Microsoft SQL Server . It has powerful transaction support, relationships, pre-reading and delayed loading, read replication and other functions

// plugin.js 
exports . sequelize = {  
     enable : true ,  
     package : 'egg-sequelize' ,  
config. sequelize = {  
     dialect : 'mysql' ,  
     database : 'pm_webleading' ,  
     host : '' ,  
     port : '3306' ,  
     username : 'pm_webleading' ,  
     password : '123456' ,  
     underscored : false ,  
     timezone : ' +08:00' ,  
     define : {  
         timestamps : true ,  
         freezeTableName : true ,  


MySQL is the most popular relational database management system. In terms of WEB applications, MySQL is one of the best RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) application software.

// plugin.js 
exports . mysql = {  
     enable : true ,  
     package : 'egg-mysql' ,  
// config.default.js 
config. mysql = {  
     client : {  
     // host   
    host : '' ,  
     // port number   
    port : '3306' ,  
     // username   
    user : 'pm_webleading' ,  
     // password   
    password : '123456' ,  
     // Database name   
    database : 'pm_webleading' ,  
    // Whether to load on the app,   
    the app will be enabled by default : true ,  
     // Whether to load on the agent,   
    the agent will be disabled by default : false ,  

Built-in tools

The method called on the egg.js and ctx objects is as follows

'use strict' ;  
const { Controller } = require ( 'egg' );  
class  HomeController  extends  Controller {  
     async  index () {  
        const {ctx} = this ;  
         try {  
             for ( const file of ctx. request . files ) {  
                const filePath = await ctx. helper . uploadLocaFile ({file})   // cxt.helper.xxxx
        } finally {  
            await ctx. cleanupRequestFiles ();  
module . exports = HomeController ;

Upload files locally

Files of the above configuration types can be uploaded

uploadLocaFile ( { file, filePath } ) {  
     const { ctx } = this ;  
     return  new  Promise ( async (resolve, reject) => {  
         try {  
             const filename = file. filename ;  
             const extname = path. extname (filename);  
             const _filePath = filePath || `public/upload/ ${ctx.helper.nanoid()} ${extname} ` ;  
             const localPath = path. join (ctx. app . baseDir , 'app' , _filePath);  
             // Read the file   
            const source = fs. createReadStream (file. filepath );  
             // Create a write stream   
            const target = fs. createWriteStream (localPath);  
             await  pump (source, target);  
             resolve (_filePath);  
        } catch (err) {  
             reject (err);  

Upload images – with compression

Only pictures can be uploaded

uploadLocalImage ( { file, filePath, width = 500 , quality = 75 } ) {
         const { ctx } = this ;
         const extname = path. extname (file. filename );
         const _filePath = filePath || `public/image/ ${ctx .helper.nanoid()} ${extname} ` ;
         const localPath = path. join (ctx. app . baseDir , 'app' , _filePath);
         return  new  Promise ( ( resolve, reject ) => {
             Jimp . read (file . filepath )
                . then ( image => {
                    image. resize (width, Jimp . AUTO )
                        . quality (quality)
                        .write (localPath);
                     resolve ( _filePath);
                .catch ( err => {
                     reject (err) ;

Symmetric encryption

aesEncrypt ( data, options ) {
        options = Object . assign ({ key : this . app . config . website . key , iv : this . app . config . website . iv }, options);
         let str = data;
         if ( typeof data === 'object' ) {
            str = JSON . stringify (data);
        str = CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 . parse (str);
         const crypto = CryptoJS . AES . encrypt (str, CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 . parse (options. key ), {
             iv : CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 . parse (options. iv ),
             mode : CryptoJS . mode . ECB ,
             padding : CryptoJS . pad . Pkcs7 ,
        return crypto. toString (); // Symmetric encryption content 

Symmetric decryption

aesDecrypt ( data, options ) {
        options = Object . assign ({ key : this . app . config . website . key , iv : this . app . config . website . iv }, options);
         const decrypt = CryptoJS . AES . decrypt (data, CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 . parse (options. key ), {
             iv : CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 . parse (options. iv ),
             mode : CryptoJS . mode . ECB ,
             padding : CryptoJS . pad . Pkcs7 ,
        return  CryptoJS . enc . Utf8 . stringify (decrypt); // Symmetrically decrypted content 

asymmetric encryption

 encrypt ( str, options ) {
        options = Object . assign ({ publicKey : this . app . config . website . publicKey }, options);
         const encrypted = new  JSEncrypt ();
        encrypted. setPublicKey (options. publicKey . toString ());
         return encrypted. encrypt (str); // Asymmetric encrypted string 

Asymmetric decryption

decrypt ( str, options ) {
        options = Object . assign ({ privateKey : this . app . config . website . privateKey }, options);
         const decrypted = new  JSEncrypt (); // Create a decryption object instance 
        decrypted. setPrivateKey (options. privateKey . toString ()); // Set the private key 
        return decrypted. decrypt (str); // Asymmetric decryption content 

md5 encryption

md5 ( data ) {
         let str = data;
         if ( typeof data === 'object' ) {
            str = JSON . stringify (data);
        return  CryptoJS . MD5 (str)
            .toString ( );

Random ID

nanoid ( size = 12 ) {
         const nanoid = customAlphabet (alphabet. join ( '' ), size);
         if (size >= 12 ) {
             return  dayjs ()
                . format ( 'YYYYMMDD' ) + nanoid (); // Get a unique random ID
        return  nanoid (); // Get repeated random ID


jwt-generate token-verify token

generateToken ( data ) {
         return  this . app . jwt . sign (data, this . app . config . jwt . secret ); // Generate token
    verifyToken ( token ) {
         return  this . app . jwt . verify (token, this . app . config . jwt . secret ); // Verify token 