Vue 3 has been stable for quite some time. Many codebases use it in production, and everyone else will eventually have to migrate to Vue […]
The form element is the future of React
Please think about a question: If there is a HTMLlabel and Reacttwo labels are created around it hook, then this label Reactmust be very important to future development. Is […]
Analysis of the Principles of React Fiber Architecture
I. Overview Before React 16, the update of VirtualDOM was implemented using the Stack architecture, which is a recursive way. However, this comparison method has […]
The concurrency paradox of React
When an Reactapplication logic becomes complex, the time spent on component rendering will increase significantly. If the time from component rendering to view rendering takes too long, users will perceive the page […]
How to use higher-order functions in JavaScript
A function that takes another function as a parameter, or defines a function as a return value, is called a higher-order function. JavaScript can accept […]
Interview: Let’s talk about data types in JavaScript
Preface Please tell me about JavaScriptthe data types in ? In front-end interviews, I think everyone has been asked this question. Answer: JavascriptThe data types in […]
How to validate URL in JavaScript
Preface When developers need to process URLs in different forms for different purposes, such as browser history navigation, anchor targets, query parameters, etc., we often […]
Deep understanding of JavaScript – prototype
This article will try to answer these questions: Overview First, JavaScript is a language based on prototypal inheritance. A prototype (prototype) is an object that […]
Summary of recent front-end performance optimization
Front-end performance optimization is an essential ability for every front-end development engineer, whether in interviews or in the actual development process. This article summarizes my […]
Discuss in detail the principle and limitations of immer.js to efficiently copy and freeze “objects”
the beginning of the story, immer.js should be a library that became popular in 2019, it can efficiently copy an object (for example, relative to JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) ), and […]