wrong information:

Database error text: SQL message: rejected as server is temporarily overloaded

Return value of the database layer: “SQL dbsl rc: 99”

In a SAP system, if you encounter an error message in transaction code ST22 Database error text: SQL message: rejected as server is temporarily overloaded, this indicates that the database server is temporarily unable to handle more requests due to high load. This situation can be caused by a variety of factors, such as high resource utilization, heavy database requests, or inefficiencies in specific queries. Below I will explain the cause of this problem in detail and provide a series of solutions.


Determine problem frequency and timing

Observing how often and when errors occur can help us understand the severity of the problem and possible triggers. For example, if errors mainly occur during peak business hours, it may be that the system’s current hardware resources cannot meet the demand during peak hours.

Check system resource usage

Use SAP transaction codes such as ST06 and ST03N to check the system’s CPU usage, memory usage, and disk I/O operations. These indicators show whether system resources are at or near their limits.

Analyze SQL statements

Through transaction code ST04, you can check the database performance, especially the long-running SQL statements and the SQL statements that consume the most resources. This information is critical for identifying inefficient queries and optimizing database performance.


Optimize SQL statements and indexes

Find the SQL statement causing the problem and optimize it. Possible optimization measures include rewriting the query, adding appropriate indexes, or adjusting the table structure. For example, ensuring that there are indexes on the columns used in the WHERE clause can greatly improve query efficiency.

Adjust system resources

Depending on the results of system monitoring, it may be necessary to increase the server’s CPU and memory or expand the hardware configuration of the database server. Additionally, adjusting database configuration settings, such as increasing the number of worker processes for parallel processing, can also alleviate server load issues.

Implement load balancing

For database systems distributed on multiple servers, implementing a load balancing strategy and distributing requests to different servers can effectively reduce the pressure on a single server.

Perform regular system maintenance

Regularly cleaning database logs, archiving old data, and reorganizing database tables and indexes can improve the operating efficiency of the database and reduce the chance of errors.

case analysis

Suppose that in the SAP system of a large retail company, a series of reports and batch jobs are run at the end of every day, and the database is often overloaded. Through transaction code ST04, we found that a specific SQL query consumed a lot of CPU and I/O resources during this period.

Diagnostic steps:

  1. Analyzing this SQL query, I found that it did not utilize any indexes.
  2. Examination of the tables involved revealed that one of the key fields was missing an index.

Solution steps:

  1. Create an index for this key field.
  2. Re-execute the query and see if performance improves.
  3. Monitor system performance to confirm whether database overload still occurs during peak business periods.

Through this resolution process, we not only solved the performance problem, but also improved the response speed and user satisfaction of the entire system.


The problems to be dealt with Database error text: SQL message: rejected as server is temporarily overloadedrequire systematic analysis and comprehensive consideration of multiple factors. From optimizing queries, adjusting hardware resources to regular maintenance, every measure is to ensure that the system

An important step for stable operation. Through this ical approach, we can not only solve current problems, but also prevent similar problems that may occur in the future and ensure the long-term stability and reliability of the system.

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