Preface Please tell me about JavaScriptthe data types in ? In front-end interviews, I think everyone has been asked this question. Answer: JavascriptThe data types in […]
How to validate URL in JavaScript
Preface When developers need to process URLs in different forms for different purposes, such as browser history navigation, anchor targets, query parameters, etc., we often […]
Introduction to Java High Concurrency CyclicBarrier
CyclicBarrier in Java is a synchronization tool that allows multiple threads to wait at a barrier until all threads reach the barrier before execution can […]
Deep understanding of JavaScript – prototype
This article will try to answer these questions: Overview First, JavaScript is a language based on prototypal inheritance. A prototype (prototype) is an object that […]
WPF performance optimization example: Use VirtualizingStackPanel to improve interface loading speed
Overview: Binding and rendering large amounts of data in WPF interfaces can cause performance issues. By enabling UI virtualization, asynchronous loading and data paging, the interface […]
Caching and deletion of Flask-caching – pitfall avoidance guide
Basic usage Flask-based applications will inevitably use Flask-cache (or Flask-cacheing, the two APIs are basically the same). It implements caching of function calls very elegantly […]
Summary of recent front-end performance optimization
Front-end performance optimization is an essential ability for every front-end development engineer, whether in interviews or in the actual development process. This article summarizes my […]
Discuss in detail the principle and limitations of immer.js to efficiently copy and freeze “objects”
the beginning of the story, immer.js should be a library that became popular in 2019, it can efficiently copy an object (for example, relative to JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) ), and […]
Remember to troubleshoot and fix the problem of frequent java processes hanging up
Preface Recently, a java service process in the business department will suddenly hang up for no reason, and then this service will generate a bunch […]
Teach you how to write a database in 10 minutes
Today I will teach you how to quickly implement a database with the help of a framework. This framework is Calcite. Below, I will teach you […]