Friends know that when we create a Spring Boot project, there will be a parent by default. This parent helps us determine various common contents […]
See the difference in design concepts between React and Vue from useEffect
We know that after Reactits release Hooks, it brought a wave of Hooksenthusiasm in the industry. Many frameworks (such as Vue Composition API, Solid.js) have borrowed Hookspatterns from . However, even […]
Browser compatibility and PostCSS details
This series of articles is my summary and harvest when learning webpack. This article is the third in a series of articles, including browser compatibility […]
Why doesn’t CSS support double slash (//) comments?
As we all know, CSSonly multi-line comments are supported, that is, /**/comments /* This is a CSS comment*/ div { color : red; } Students who are […]
Design and implementation of general ORM
introduce The basic models of our general ORM are all intended to be separated from the database. Almost all models are established at the programming […]
How to use singleton pattern in JavaScript
If you want your code to be more elegant, maintainable, and concise, you often cannot do without the solution of design patterns . In the JS […]
A brief discussion on MessageChannel
What is MessageChannel MessageChannel allows two different scripts running in different browser contexts of the same document (such as two iframes, the document body and […]
Spring Boot starts annotation analysis
Although we use Spring Boot a lot in daily development, and it is considered a standard in the current Java development field, but friends, think […]
Things related to dependency injection and component definition in Vue 3
Let’s talk Vue 3about dependency injection and component definition. main content In this sharing, we mainly cover the following contents: provide() & inject() provide() Provides a […]
Take you step by step to understand how the virtual DOM works
Overview Both React and Vue have the concept of virtual DOM. How should we understand and grasp the essence of virtual DOM? I recommend everyone […]