Start from the problem I was asked this question: If you want to implement a useTitlemethod, the specific usage examples are as follows: functionHeader () { […]
How to write unit tests and E2E tests for Nestjs
Preface Recently I was writing unit testing (Unit Testing) and e2e testing (End-to-End Testing, referred to as e2e testing) for a nestjs project. This is […]
Dart and Flutter error handling guide | Full analysis of best practices
Preface In-depth exploration of error handling technology in Dart and Flutter, from compile-time errors to run-time exceptions, will teach you how to gracefully handle various […]
How to read Paper
Preface Paper is usually the first publication of a new technology, algorithm, programming method or software tool. By reading papers, we can learn about the […]
Cloud Objects – Redefining front-end and back-end interaction
background Since 2000, xmlit has become popular as a data exchange format, with server splicing xmlinterfaces, client js obtaining xmlcontent, and dynamically modifying pages. A few years later, […]
wrong information: Database error text: SQL message: rejected as server is temporarily overloaded Return value of the database layer: “SQL dbsl rc: 99” In a […]
Detailed explanation of C++ exception handling mechanism: easily master exception handling skills
C++ exception handling The C++ exception handling mechanism allows programs to handle errors or unexpected conditions at runtime. It provides a structured way of catching […]
Based on uniapp+vue3+uv-ui chat example | uni-app+vite4 imitation WeChat app application
uniapp_vue3_wechatuni-app+vue3+vite4+pinia2+uni-ui is a three-terminal (h5 + mini program + APP) imitation WeChat chat instance originally developed based on the latest cross-terminal technology . Preview effect The effect […]
Tips for filtering specific processes using Python
Preface In an operating system, a process is an instance of a running program. Sometimes we need to filter and manage specific processes, such as […]
Remember to upgrade from Laravel5 to Laravel10 + use octane for containerization
Already have a plan Upgrade process Project preparation Dependency handling File changes Handle error reports Containerization composer require laravel/octane .rr.yaml Dockerfile FROM composer:latest AS vendor […]